Recently I have been following an author and radio host named Eric Metaxas. I started listening to "The Eric Metaxas Show while I was living in New York for the summer. It blew me away that there was someone who was willing to get on the airwaves in one of the most wicked cities in the country and talk about truth. He was very appealing in the way he approached the topic of his faith and his worldview. It wasn't long before I found out that this was the man who wrote the book Bonhoeffer and Amazing Grace. (Hopefully I will be writing reviews for each of those fairly soon.) I became intrigued with his work and made it a quest to read his works. The first book I engaged in was 7 Men and it is the one I will be reviewing today. It has impacted me greatly and I hope that this will give you a bit of a glimpse into this amazing work.
Today's culture is seriously lacking the courage and compassion that have been present in past leaders. Part of this is due to a departure from Biblical principles. Metaxas answers two very important questions laying a foundation for this work. First what is a man and second what makes a man great? Giving a Biblical perspective Metaxas defines clearly what manhood should be about. This is important because without a strong foundation the discussion of these seven men would be futile. And this is all just in the introduction!
Mentioned in the title this book is about Seven Men. These men from first to last are George Washington, William Willberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Pope John Paul II, and Charles W. Colson. I had heard a few of these names before, yet I had no idea of many of their personal commitments to Christ. Each of their stories are given in concise, chronological form. The major events are highlighted and a number of unique stories are given about each of the men. After reading 7 Men I feel I could give a brief synopsis and at the least talk about each of these men with some confidence. This book ignited my desire to learn and read more about each of these men. The chapter about Wilberforce was particularly challenging to me as we are in an era where more than ever Christians must stand and fight for those who have no voice and cannot defend themselves.
As I said this was the first book that I've read by Eric Metaxas and it most definitely will not be the last. Seven Men is a classic that must be read in every household, especially to every young man as he grows up. We need a new generation of leaders in the Christian faith and in America and Seven Men will help to groom those leaders.
Seven Men gets 10 out of 10 inkwells for being a spectacular work.
Until Again,
Lance Fillmore PSEUD
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